연구 교수진
Applied Electromagnetic Technology Laboratory
Kyung-Young Jung Professor

Engineering Electromagnetics, Field & Wave Electromagnetics

Advanced Electromagnetics, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Computational Electromagnetics, EMI, Antennas

Ph.D., Ohio State University, USA
2015 ~ Present Associate Editor, IEICE Trans. Communications
2013 ~ Present Member of Board Directors, The Korean
Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and
Science (KIEES)
2012 ~ Present Editorial Member, Journal of KIEES, Journal
of EES
2011 ~ Present Assistant Professor, Hanyang University
2009 ~ 2011 Full-Time Lecturer, Ajou University
2008 ~ 2009 Postdoc. Researcher, Ohio State University
2001 ~ 2004 Researcher, Pantech & Curitel
1998 ~ 2001 Researcher, Hyundai Electronics (Hynix)



Applied Electromagnetic Technology


1. Computational Electromagnetics (CEM)
- Uncoditionally Stable FDTD
- Parallel FDTD
- New dispersion models (QCRF, Multispecies)
- EM Modeling of Metamaterials
2. Nano Electromagnetics (NEM)
- EM Modeling of Nanostructures
- New Plasmonic Solar Cells
- Graphene Plasmon
3. Bio Electromagnetics (BEM)
- THz High-Resolution Imaging of Human Body

- EM Modeling of Human Body
- Bio-Heat Transfer Modeling of Human Body
- SAR (Specific Absorption Ratio)
- Human Body Effects
4. High-Power Electromagnetics (HPEM)
- Nuclear EMP
- Lightning EMP
- Conducted EMP
- Radiated EMP
- EM Modeling of Buildings


Computational Electromagnetics, Plasmonic Solar Cells,
Nano Electromagnetics, Bio Electromagnetics, High-Power
Electromagnetics, EMC.


