*추가공지완료[종합시험] 2022-2학기 종합시험 범위 공지
2022-2학기 종합시험 교재와 범위를 공지하오니 참조하시기 바랍니다.
누락된 과목이 있을경우 행정팀으로 연락바랍니다.
* 추가공지(2022.9.19 15:00 기준)
디스플레이공학 | 강의자료 | AMOLED 구동 및 화소회로 |
디스플레이구동및시스템 | 강의자료 | TFT-LCD 구동 및 구동 회로 |
* 추가공지(2022.9.19 09:30 기준)
생체모방시스템 | 수업내용 중 | 수업내용 중 |
신경공학특론 | Neural Engineering, 2nd Edition (저자: Bin He) | Ch2 Brain
Computer Interface (pp87-152), Ch 9 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (pp405-454) |
컴퓨터비전 | Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision Second Edition | Chapter 9 Epipolar Geometry and Fundamental Matrix (https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/hzbook/hzbook2/HZepipolar.pdf) |
과목명 | 교재 | 범위 |
EMC | D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 3rd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2005. ISBN0-471-44878-8, chapter 2 | |
SOC설계방법론 | Integrated Circuit Design (4th ed.) by Weste & Harris | Chap. 10 Datapaths & Chap. 13 Methodology |
계산뇌과학 | H R Wilson "Spikes, Decisions, and Actions: The Dynamical Foundations of Neuroscience" | CH1 - CH10 |
고급생체신호처리 | 없음 (ppt) | 전범위 |
고급생체의학영상처리 | Handbook of Medical Imaging: Vol. 2. Medical Image Processing and Analysis | Echocardiography, Cardiac Image Analysis, Brain Image Analysis |
고등전자기학 | Roger F. Harrington, “Time-harmonic Electromagnetic Fields,” Ch. 2, 2001 | |
고체전자물리 | lid State ElectrSolid state electronic Devices, Ben G. Streetman, 7th edition | 3장-5장 |
공업수학 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics(10th edition, Erwin Kreysig) | Ch 1-6 |
디지털신호처리 | Discrete-Time Signal Processing 3판 | 2~5장 |
디지털통신 | Digital Communications, B. Sklar, 2nd Ed. | 2장, 3장, 4장, 9장 1절- 8절 |
랜덤프로세스 | Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles, P. Z. Peebles, Jr., 4th Ed. | 6장, 7장, 8장 1절- 4절 |
마이크로파 | David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering (3rd edition), Wiley | Ch. 4 “Microwave Network Analysis”, Ch. 7.5 “The Quadrature hybrid” |
바이오유체역학 | PPT 수업자료 | 전 범위 |
반도체소자 | Solid State Electronic Device : by Ben G. Streetman | Chapter 5 : Forward and Reverse Biased Junctions , Chapter 6 : MOS Field Effect Transistor |
생체의료기기 | 수업내용 중 | 교재는 따로 없음 |
선형대수 | Introduction to Linear Algebra Gilbert Strang 5판 | Ch 1-6 |
안테나 | C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory (3rd edition) Wiley | 2.12 “Polarization”, Ch. 3.7 “Duality Theorem”, Ch. 4.2 “Infinitesimal Dipole”, and Ch. 5.2 “Small Circular Loop” |
알고리즘 | Introduction to Algorithms | Chapter 1. Foundations ~ Chpater 2. Sorting and Order Statistics |
액정물리 | 액정의 자유에너지 | |
영상처리 | Image
Enhancement, ImageRestoration, Image Compression 세 chapters | "DigitalImage Processing” Gonzalez & Woods |
운영체제 | Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces Arpaci-Dusseau Books August, 2018 (Version 1.00) (저자: Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau) | Ch 28: Locks, Ch 31: Semaphores, Ch 32: Common Concurrency Problems |
의학데이터마이닝 | 강의자료 | |
임베디드시스템 | Introduction to Embedded Systems — A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach — Second Edition — MIT Press — 2017 (저자: Edward Ashford Lee, Sanjit A. Seshia) | Ch 11: Multitasking, Ch 12: Scheduling |
컴퓨터구조 | Computer Organization and Design: The HW/SW Interface MIPS Ed. (6th ed.) by Patterson & Henessy | Chap 4 The Processor |
컴퓨터네트워크 | Computer Networking, Kurose and Ross, 7th edition | chap 3(transport layer) and chap 4 and 5 (network layer) |
컴퓨터보안 | Mobile Communication Systems and Security, 저자 Man Young RHEE | Chapter 9. |